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(自然资源部第三海洋研究所,福建 厦门 361005)
文昌鱼作为脊索动物门头索动物亚门的幸存物种,是无脊椎动物到脊椎动物进化过程中的重要过渡物种,在脊椎动物起源与演化研究中占有极其重要的位置。本研究利用最大熵模型(maximum entropy model, MaxEnt)对位于厦门黄厝海域的厦门珍稀海洋物种国家级自然保护区(文昌鱼)(下文简称保护区)的文昌鱼潜在适生区进行了模拟预测,并探讨了其受环境因素影响的限制条件。结果表明,保护区内文昌鱼的潜在适生区总面积为575.48 hm2,占保护区总面积的30.76%,高适生区面积仅为63.39 hm2,呈斑块状分布,栖息地破碎化明显。影响文昌鱼空间分布的主要环境因子是粒径大于0.125 mm沉积物的占比和水深。鉴于目前厦门海域文昌鱼种群枯竭和栖息地退化的现状,应持续进行文昌鱼种群和栖息地的长期跟踪监测,积极开展文昌鱼栖息地质量和适宜性评估,不仅可为科学选划修复目标区提供依据,而且对保护文昌鱼种群、维护生态平衡也具有重要意义。
关键词:  海洋生物学  文昌鱼  MaxEnt模型  栖息地适宜性  潜在栖息地  保护对策  厦门
基金项目:厦门市自然科学基金(3502Z20227249, 3502Z20227252)
Potential habitat analysis and conservation strategies of amphioxus (lancelets) based on MaxEnt model in Huangcuo area
HUANG Yaqin,LIU Kun,LIAO Jianji,LIN Hui,SUN Xiuwu,KANG Jianhua,WU Chengqiang,HE Xuebao
(Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Xiamen 361005, China)
Amphioxus (lancelets), as a surviving species of Cephalophora subphylum of chordate, is a typical transitional species in the evolution process from invertebrate to vertebrate, and plays an extremely important role in the study of the origin and evolution of vertebrates. In this study, the MaxEnt model was used to analyze the potential habitat and the environmental factors limiting the distribution of Amphioxus within Xiamen State-Level Marine Nature Reserve for Rare Marine Species (here we call it as nature reserve) in Huangcuo area. Results show that the total area of potential suitable habitat is 575.48 hm2, accounting for 30.76% of the total area of the nature reserve, the suitable area has a limited extent of only 63.39 hm2, exhibiting a fragmented distribution pattern and evident habitat fragmentation. The important environmental factors affecting the amphioxus distribution are the fraction of sand grains (>0.125 mm) of the sediments as well as the water depth. In consideration of the depletion of amphioxus and habitat degradation in Xiamen area, it is imperative to implement long-term monitoring for both the amphioxus population and its habitats. Furthermore, conducting comprehensive assessments of habitat quality and suitability is necessary, as it will provide a scientific foundation for identifying and designating restoration target areas. Such efforts are crucial for safeguarding the amphioxus population and maintaining ecological balance.
Key words:  marine biology  amphioxus  MaxEnt model  habitat suitability  potential habitat  protection countermeasure  Xiamen

