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(河口生态安全与环境健康福建省高校重点实验室,福建 漳州 363105;厦门大学环境与生态学院,福建 厦门 361102)
当前我国东南沿海正掀起红树林生态修复工程建设热潮,但工程设计中往往较少考虑景观塑造,削弱了项目的影响力。本研究以厦门市下潭尾红树林公园景观地标为例,介绍红树林生态修复工程中的景观塑造技术,以提升滨海人工湿地的景观效果和内涵。根据连片人工滩涂的大小和形状设计“I”、“”和“五星”景观图案,寓意“我爱中国”。图案整体的朝向考虑周围地形和空中航道的视角,并使用AutoCAD将卫星遥感图和造滩施工图进行叠加,在叠加图上进行设计图案的移动和缩放,使线条均落在适宜红树林生长的1.77~2.33 m(1985国家高程基准)等高线内,获得图案的最终设计方案。在种植工程中,结合造滩施工图进行轮廓点定位和现场放样,在生态安全评估的前提下选用不同树形、色调和生长速度的树种搭配间种,以拉关木(Laguncularia racemosa)和无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)等速生红树植物凸显线条,以本地乡土树种秋茄(Kandelia obovata)作为背景,经过一段时间的科学管养,红树群落成林后便形成“我爱中国”的永久性景观地标,使公园兼具社会效益、生态效益和爱国主义宣传效果,将海洋生态文明融入到红树林湿地的建设中去。厦门市下潭尾红树林公园建设的实践证明,通过特定的图案设计和种植技术进行景观塑造,能够增加红树林生态修复工程的社会效益。
关键词:  海洋生态学  生态工程  红树林  景观塑造  下潭尾  生态文明
Landscape shaping technology in mangrove ecological restoration project: a case from landscape landmark in Xiamen Xiatanwei mangrove park
HUANG Jinyang,ZHOU Liang,ZHU Heng,LU Changyi
(Key Laboratory of College of Ecological Safety and Environmental Health in Fujian Province, Zhangzhou 363105, China;College of the Environment & Ecology Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China)
Currently, a lot of mangrove ecological restoration projects are carried out in the southeast coastal areas of China, but landscape shaping is often not taken into consideration in the design of the projects, which weakens the influence of the projects. Taking the Xiatanwei mangrove park in Xiamen as an example, this article introduces the landscape shaping technology in mangrove ecological restoration projects to enhance the landscape effect and connotations of coastal artificial wetlands. The landscape patterns of “I”, “”, and “pentagram stars”, which implies “I Love China”, were designed based on the size and shape of the contiguous artificial mudflats. The perspective from the surrounding terrain and airway were taken into account to determine the orientation of the pattern. AutoCAD was used to overlay satellite remote sensing images and beach construction drawings, and the design pattern was moved and scaled on the overlay map to ensure that the lines of the pattern fall within the 1.77-2.33 m contour line(1985 National Elevation Datum), where is suitable for mangrove growth, then the final design scheme of the pattern was obtained. In planting engineering, the position of control points was determined according to the construction drawings of beach making. Under the premise of safety assessment, the tree species with different shapes, colors, and growth speeds were selected for intercropping. Fast-growing mangrove plants such as Laguncularia racemosa and Sonneratia apetala were used to outline the lines of the pattern, while the native mangrove species Kandelia obovata was used as the background. After a period of systematic management and maintenance, the mangrove community formed a permanent landscape landmark of "I Love China", thus, highlighting social benefits, ecological benefits and patriotic propaganda effects of the park and integrating marine ecological civilization into the construction of the mangrove wetlands. The construction of Xiatanwei mangrove park in Xiamen has proved that landscape shaping through specific pattern design and planting techniques can increase the social benefits of mangrove ecological restoration project.
Key words:  marine ecology  ecological engineering  mangrove  landscape shaping  Xiatanwei  ecological civilization

