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(滨海湿地生态系统教育部重点实验室、厦门大学环境与生态学院,福建 厦门 361102)
1999年起,厦门筼筜湖开展了多次红树林人工修复的种植工作以进行该湖的环境治理。这些人工修复的红树林生长状况良好,使得筼筜湖生态修复成为国内成功的典范案例。为探究不同修复时期人工红树林碳储量的变化规律并获得筼筜湖人工修复红树林碳汇能力的基础数据,本研究对筼筜湖4片不同林龄(10、11、12、14 a)的人工秋茄(Kandelia obovata)林地(对应林龄分别编号为P10、P11、P12、P14)进行碳[植株组分碳、凋落物碳和沉积物总有机碳(TOC)]储量的分析。结果表明:单株红树植物秋茄生物量、林地单位面积生物量及年凋落物产量均随着林龄的增长而增加。植株组分的平均碳含量随着林龄的增长而增加,P14(346.29 g/kg)>P12(327.93 g/kg)>P11(313.63 g/kg)>P10(297.84 g/kg)。凋落物平均碳含量与林龄也呈现类似的正相关关系,P14(310.28 g/kg)>P12(300.44 g/kg)>P11(282.28 g/kg)>P10(279.22 g/kg)。沉积物中TOC含量为5.13 ~12.02 g/kg,呈垂直向下递减的分布格局。沉积物TOC含量随着林龄的增长而增大,同一深度不同林龄沉积物中的TOC含量存在显著差异(P<0.05)。在不同修复时期的人工林中,林龄对各组分的碳储量及碳密度有显著的影响。本研究有助于进一步理解潟湖人工修复红树林的动态发育过程和生态系统服务功能。有关不同修复时期潟湖人工红树林碳储量的研究对红树林的保护和修复具有重要的科学意义。
关键词:  海洋生物学  碳储量  林龄  人工修复红树林  生态功能  潟湖  筼筜湖
Carbon storage of artificial Kandelia obovata forest in different restoration time at Yundang Lake of Xiamen
WU Kangli,QIU Yue,WU Jiajia,LU Changyi,YE Yong
(Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystem, College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China)
Since 1999, several artificial restorations on mangroves have been carried out at Yundang Lake, Xiamen, to carry out environmental management of the lake. The artificially restored mangroves are growing well showing that the ecological restoration of Yundang Lake is a successful model case. To explore the changing law of the carbon storage of artificial mangroves in different restoration periods in lagoon and obtain the basic data of carbon sink capacity of artificial mangroves at Yundang Lake (similar to a lagoon), the carbon storage (plant component carbon, litter carbon and sediment TOC) of four artificial Kandelia obovata forests coded as P10, P11, P12 and P14 in ages of 10, 11, 12 and 14 years were analyzed, respectively. Results showed that the biomass of Kandelia obovata per plant, the biomass per unit area of forest land, and the annual litter yield increased with the growth of forest age. The average carbon content of plant component increased with the forest age, with P14 (346.29 g/kg) > P12 (327.93 g/kg) > P11 (313.63 g/kg) > P10 (297.84 g/kg). The average carbon content of litter also showed a similar positive correlation with forest age, with P14 (310.28 g/kg) > P12 (300.44 g/kg) > P11 (282.28 g/kg) > P10 (279.22 g/kg). The TOC contents in sediments were 5.13-12.02 g/kg and the content decreased with depth. The TOC content in sediments increased with the growth of forest age and there were significant differences in TOC content in sediments of different forest ages at the same depth (P < 0.05). In different restoration stages of plantations, forest age has a positive impact on carbon storage and the carbon density of each component. This study is helpful to understand further the dynamic development process and ecosystem service function of artificial mangrove restoration in lagoon. It is of great scientific significance to study the carbon storage of artificial mangroves with different restoration periods for the protection and restoration of mangroves.
Key words:  marine biology  carbon storage  forest age  artificial mangroves  ecological function  lagoon  Yundang Lake

