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(深圳中绿环境集团有限公司、广东省红树林工程技术研究中心,广东 深圳 518060)
为解明不同立地红树林生态修复效果,本研究以深圳湾滨海红树林修复工程为研究对象,选取植物生长状况、修复完成情况和沉积物环境参数3个标准层,以未修复区和裸滩区为对照,分析强风浪海滩、低潮带海滩和砾石质海滩立地条件下红树林修复后的植物群落结构特征和环境质量特征,并基于层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP)对其修复效果进行综合评价。结果表明:修复3年后,强风浪海滩和低潮带海滩红树植物的保存率明显高于砾石质海滩,均高于60%。沉积物有机质(TOM)、总磷(TP)、溶解无机氮(DIN)和硝酸盐(NO-3N)含量提高,说明红树林修复对沉积物环境质量有改善作用。深圳湾红树林修复效果评分为:砾石质海滩(3.754)<低潮带海滩(4.397)<强风浪海滩(4.895)。总体而言,深圳湾滨海红树林修复工程的修复效果为优良。
关键词:  海洋环境科学  红树林湿地  立地类型  修复效果  工程评价  深圳湾
Evaluation of the restoration effects of mangrove site types:a case study of Shenzhen Bay
SONG Xue,SHI Jianya,LI Ruicheng,XIAO Xin,WANG Hui
(Shenzhen Zhonglv Environment Group Co.,Ltd, Guangdong Mangrove Engineering Technology Research Center, Shenzhen 518060, China)
For the sake of clarifying ecological restoration results at different mangrove sites, Shenzhen Bay coastal mangrove restoration project was taken and studied. Three standard layers of plant growing-status, the completion of the repairment and sediment environment quality were selected. The unrestored area and the barren tidal flats were used as controls to analyze the community structure characteristics of restored mangrove and environmental quality with site conditions such as strong wind and wave beach, low tide beach and gravel beach. Based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a comprehensive evaluation of its repair effect was carried out. Results show that firstly the preservation rates of mangrove plants on strong wind and wave beach and low tide beach were significantly higher than that on gravel beach, and these three rates were all above 60% after repairing for 3 years. Secondly the increased contents of TOM, TP, DIN and NO-3N in sediments indicated that mangrove restoration had an improvement effect on the quality of sediments. Thirdly the restoration effects at mangrove sites in Shenzhen Bay could be evaluated as gravel beach(3.754) less than low tide beach(4.397) and less than strong wind and wave beach(4.895). In conclusion, the results of mangrove restoration project in Shenzhen Bay are excellent.
Key words:  marine environmental science  mangrove wetland  site type  repair effect  engineering evaluation  Shenzhen Bay

