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基于HY-2 卫星观测分析南海风浪关系
张思琪,郝增周,邓美环,龚 芳
(中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 2661002;国家海洋局第二海洋研究所,浙江 杭州 310012)
海面有效波高(H1/3)是表征海浪的重要参数,随着卫星遥感技术的发展,雷达高度计已成为获取海面有效波高的重要手段,但也只能对卫星星下点轨迹处进行有效观测,远无法满足大范围应用的需求.本研究结合2013年10月HY-2 雷达高度计观测的海面有效波高和微波散射计观测的海面风场资料,分别对高、低风速下风浪数据进行拟合,建立了适用于0~40 m/s风速范围内的南海海域风浪关系模型,经模型比对和结果验证,结果表明,基于HY-2 卫星数据分析建立的南海海域风浪关系模型是可信的,特别是低风速的风浪模型与实测数据建立的风浪模型具有很好的一致性;根据建立的风浪关系模型,从卫星散射计大面观测的海面风场出发,能推算出风浪条件下海面有效波高的大面信息,数据覆盖远高于卫星高度计的星下点观测,能为分析和预报海浪、风暴潮灾害提供大范围的海面有效波高信息.
关键词:  海洋水文学  海面有效波高  海面风场  风浪关系  HY-2 动力环境卫星  南海
Analysis of wind wave relationship in the South China Sea from HY-2 satellite observations
ZHANG Si-qi,HAO Zeng-zhou,DENG Mei-huan,GONG Fang
(College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China;Second institute of oceanography, SOA, Hangzhou 310012, China)
The significant wave height is an important parameter for characterizing the wave. With the development of remote sensing technology, satellite radar altimeter has become an important tool to obtain the significant wave height. However, those observations only covers the satellite ground track and cannot meet the needs of the application on large regions or areas. In this study, combined with the significant wave heights from HY-2 Radar Altimeter and the sea surface wind fields from HY-2 Microwave Scatterometer on October, 2013, a wind-wave relationship model for 0 to 40 m/s wind speed is proposed by using the regression analysis separately at high and low speed. By comparison with the other two wind-wave models, and validation with the satellite observations on November, 2013, it shows that it is credibility for wind-wave relationship model in the South China Sea based on HY-2 satellite observations, and especially, the model at low speeds has a good consistency with the wind-wave model from in-situ observations. Therefore, according to the wind-wave relationship model, the significant wave height can be computed from HY-2 microwave Scatterometer retrieved wind fields, and the data coverage, which is the same with the HY-2 microwave Scatterometer observations, is far higher than the satellite radar altimeter observations. It can and will provide more and useful wave information for the analysis or forecast of wind waves and storm surge disasters.
Key words:  marine hydrography  significant waveheight  wind field  wind-wave model  HY-2 satellite  South China Sea

