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厦门海域秋、冬季溶解有机氮时空分布及总溶解态氮的组成 |
罗勇,陈宝红,林辉,孙秀武,陈文峰,董旭,王伟力,王素敏,傅婷婷 |
(国家海洋局第三海洋研究所,福建 厦门 361005) |
摘要: |
根据2015年10月(秋季)和2016年1月(冬季)对厦门海域开展的2次水质调查,研究了该海域中溶解有机氮(DON)的时空分布特征及总溶解态氮(TDN)的组成,并探讨了DON与环境要素的相关性及其来源.结果表明:厦门海域DON浓度平均值冬季大于秋季,表层高于底层,整体呈内湾、河口区较高,湾口区低的分布格局.秋季DON浓度的空间分布为同安湾>西海域>九龙江口邻近海域>东南海域>大嶝海域,冬季为西海域>同安湾>九龙江口邻近海域>东南海域>大嶝海域.该海域秋、冬季DON浓度占比(CDON/CTDN)分别为56%和53%,DON浓度占比整体呈湾口区大、河口区及内湾小的分布特征.相关性分析表明,该海域秋、冬季表、底层DON浓度与盐度均呈极显著负相关,与磷酸盐、硅酸盐含量为极显著正相关,与叶绿素a、溶解氧、pH值存在一定相关性.厦门海域DON的来源主要有九龙江河流、城市生活污水、工农业废水等陆源输入和浮游植物活动等海源生成. |
关键词: 海洋化学 溶解有机氮 总溶解态氮 时空分布 影响因子 来源 厦门海域 |
DOI:10.3969/J.ISSN.2095-4972.2017.02.008 |
基金项目:厦门南方海洋研究中心资助项目(14GHS016NF16,14PST63NF27);国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资助项目(海三科2014024,海三科2014014) |
Spatial and temporal distribution of dissolved organic nitrogen and composition of total dissolved nitrogen in Xiamen waters in autumn and winter |
LUO Yong,CHEN Bao-hong,LIN Hui,SUN Xiu-wu,CHEN Wen-feng,DONG Xu,WANG Wei-li,WANG Su-min,FU Ting-ting |
(Third Institute of Oceanography,SOA,Xiamen 361005,China) |
Abstract: |
Based on water quality surveys conducted in Xiamen waters in October 2015 (autumn) and January 2016 (winter), the temporal and spatial distribution of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), the composition of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), the correlation between DON and environmental factors and the sources are studied and discussed. The results show that the average concentration of DON is higher in winter than autumn and DON is higher in surface than bottom showing a higher DON in the bay and estuary and lower in offshore. DON concentrations distribute in order of Tongan Bay>West waters>Jiulong River Estuary adjacent waters>Southeast waters>Dadeng waters in autumn and West waters>Tongan Bay>Jiulong River Estuary adjacent waters>Southeast waters>Dadeng waters in winter. The ratio of CDON/CTDN in autumn and winter is 56% and 53%, respectively and is generally high in offshore waters than the waters in estuary and inner bay. The analysis showed a significant negative correlation between DON and salinity in autumn and winter and significant positive correlations with phosphate and silicate content. Besides, it correlates with chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and pH. The source of DON in Xiamen waters is mainly from terrestrial input of Jiulong River, urban sewage, industrial and agricultural wastes besides the phytoplankton activities. |
Key words: marine chemistry dissolved organic nitrogen total dissolved nitrogen spatiotemporal distribution influencing factors source Xiamen waters |