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(汕头大学理学院生物系,广东 汕头 515063)
从浙江沿海地区赤潮多发区分离获得一株对东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)具有高效溶藻作用的细菌DH-e,研究该菌的溶藻作用方式和对东海原甲藻的生理功能与细胞结构的影响.结果发现其溶藻作用方式为间接溶藻,溶藻效应呈现出作用浓度和时间依赖性,作用浓度0.5%~2.0%,时间为32h时,溶藻率均达80%以上,具有短期高效的溶藻效应;溶藻活性物质分子量小于2 kDa,具有耐低高温、强酸碱的特性;代谢产物对叶绿素a造成严重的破坏和分解,并改变胞内总糖含量,影响生理代谢活性;SEM与 AO/EB双染检测发现溶藻活性物质能够破坏藻细胞膜完整性,显著改变藻细胞内部结构,造成内容物大量释放.
关键词:  海洋生物学  溶藻细菌  东海原甲藻  溶藻作用  赤潮
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(41230961);广东大学生科技创新培育专项资金资助项目 (pdjh2016b0193);汕头大学校内科研基金资助项目(NFC14003)
Inhibitory effect of metabolites from algicidal bacterium DH-e on Prorocentrum donghaiense
HAN Guang-yao,XIE Li-ling,BI Xiao,WU Pei-feng,ZHOU Liang,ZHU Yan-kun
(Department of Biology,College of Science,Shantou University,Shantou 515063,China)
The bacterial strain DH-e, showing strong algicidal activity against Prorocentrum donghaiense, was isolated from the coastal area of Zhejiang province where the harmful algal blooms occur frequently. We probed lytic character and effects of physiological functions and cell structural integrity against P. donghaiense. We found that algicidal bacterium DHe functioned indirectly on the alga cells. Furthmore, the algicidal activity against P. donghaiense was both concentrationand timedependent. When the concentration and the rate reached 0.5%~2.0% and 80% after 32 hours, respectively, it had shortterm and efficient algicidal effect. The molecular weight of algicidal compound was <2 kDa. And it tolerated high/low temperature and was stable in acidic and alkaline conditions. The change in carbohydrate content and chlorophyll a destruction and decomposition show that metabolite significantly reduced physiological metabolic activity of algal cells. SEM and AO/EB double staining showed that algicidal activity had destroyed the membrane integrity and changed the internal structure of algal cells significantly, resulting in large release of cell contents.
Key words:  marine biology  algicidal bacteria  Prorocentrum donghaiense  algicidal effect  harmful algal blooms

